Jennifer Giacalone's Tall Tales
Official Site of Novelist, Screenwriter & Occasional Poet


I was a writer before I was anything.
I published my first piece of fiction at the age of nine, in a children's writing contest in the local paper. I'd like to say it was pretty much a done deal from there, but I've had a few lifetimes in between then and now.
I was a rock and roll star, a graphic artist, a parent, and a pretty good baker before I made my way back around to writing again.
The beautiful thing about writing is that you can reinvent yourself as many times as you can sit down and write a story. But you can also reinvent the world.
for "Loud Pipes"
...compelling on more than one level, replete with the atomosphere and world of New York City's different cultures and peoples, and a solidly engrossing read.
Diane Donovan
The banter is so much fun, the pace so rollercoaster, the characters so very flawed, that I raced through the book in one caffeine-fueled late night session.
Barbara Taub
Giacalone explores a queer New York City at its best: gritty, diverse, and alive with a raw current of intelligence, just like her novel.
Gregory Ashe
Author of the "HAZARD & SOMERSET" series
Short Fiction
Appearing on 3/28/21 in the Sad Girls' Club literary zine, a story about marginalized women strugging to connect and find a place for themselves post-WW2.
Appearing in July 2019 in the journal Prometheus Dreaming, a flash fiction about the budding romance of two young people with very different immigrant experiences.
First published in The Poet's Haven and then appearing in the Rhysling Award 2018 Anthology, a long form poem exploring the villian as victim.
Appearing on 2/1 in The Dillydoun Review, the reminiscences of an aging, retired lady pirate who misses the sea, the plunder, and the love of a rival she knew so well.
Published in Cutthroat, a Journal of the Arts, the story of a young Russian immigrant destroying a symbol of her past to save it. The second piece during my brief obsession with the symbolism of tigers.
Published by Medusa's Laugh, a little piece of fabulist flash fiction about a Norwegian man stuck playing cards with a penguin – and losing.
For any media inquiries, please contact:
Tel: 917-703-0639 | jgiacalone.design@gmail.com
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